Fit Dog Walk

FIT Dog Walk is cancelled for tonight. Parts of Beavercreek are without power and branches are down everwhere….also, the Fen is a wooden boardwalk that may be slippery. We may try to add a walk before the August one on August 4. Sorry for the late notice!

No Agility Course Set until Jul 29th!

I am so sorry, but we have decided not to set an agility course in the turf room until July 29.
There is still cleaning going on in the building. There are trials every weekend, which means
that we would have to tear down by at least Thursday each week. Rally and freestyle will be
performing on the turf, and this would give those teams the opportunity to practice with their
dogs on the turf. This is something that is not available to those teams very often. Thank you
for your understanding.
Also, I am leaving for vacation for the next 2 weeks. If you have questions, you may text Sherri
Heizer. She will text me if I am needed. Thanks again!
Deb Werts
Agility Director

Club closed

Do you want the club opened back up? Show up Monday 6:30 to 8:30 and pitch in.

The good news is that the restroom floors are done. A second coat of paint is being applied this afternoon, so the restrooms remain closed until at least tomorrow. In addition, since we have had no volunteers to help clean things up, the building will remain closed for the safety of our dogs and anyone who has dust issues. The contractor created a fine layer of concrete dust while grinding the floors level which settled over all of the surfaces in the restrooms AND the floors/countertops in the front room and most likely the turf room also. Understanding that weekends and during the workday are tough times to be at the club due to other commitments, I am proposing that members plan to help MONDAY 6:30 to 8:30 to use sweepers and damp rags to clean the floors and counters and anything else that needs to be wiped down. Dusting will not get it, that only spreads the dust someplace else. If you bring small shop vacs which have HEPA filters and have a brush attachment, that could also be used.


John Clifford


Hi everyone,
Just a warning that when going to the land to run your dogs, be VERY CAREFUL!
I was there Friday evening when sirens went off. The howling from coyotes was everywhere. One of my friends was running her dogs off lead on Friday morning. One came running back to her, looking behind her. My friend looked in the area the dog came from, and saw a huge coyote in the brush. They are prolific at the land.
Please consider NOT letting your dogs run free unless you are in the fenced area. It is not safe.

Deb Werts

Agility Equipment Sale

When: Saturday, July 13, 2024

Members Only: 8 am to 10 am

Public: Begins after 10 am

What: Sale of used Gem City agility equipment

Where: Gem City Land: 542 Valleycrest Drive, Dayton

What to Expect:

1. Cash on day of purchase

2. Items purchased need to be taken during day of sale (large items may be negotiated – talk to Deb Werts for more info)

Yard Sale

Saturday, July 13 starting at 10:00- Dog-centered items for sale.

If interested in selling, cantact Leah Schiller

AKC Rally National Championship

I have been in contact with the volunteer coordinator for the RNC on July 18-19. Come help and cheer on fellow members! Contact me and I’ll send your information on to the coordinator. Again….free lunch! Possibly a little swag too! They desperately need help to make this a successful event!