Volunteers Needed Sept 2023 CGC

It is that time again for CGC Evalutors and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with thier CGC testing.  Please check the Volunteer Oppunities page to sign up.  You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].


The dates and times are as follows:

Monday, September 4th at 8pm
Tuesday, September 5th at 6 :45 pm
Thursday, September 7th at 9:15 am

Thank you so much!

September Obedience and Rally Trial Workers

Need Hours?  Workers are needed for the September 23-24 Obedience and Rally
Set up will be Friday September 22 @ 5:00, Exhibitors may set up their crates after the ring set up is complete.
The trials will run from 8:30 until about 3-4 PM depending upon entries (you will need to arrive at 8:00).    Lunch will be provided for workers.  4 stewards are needed for Obedience and 4 stewards are needed for Rally.  The
work is easy and judges do like having the same stewards all day so please consider working the entire day.  No training necessary, your judge will instruct you prior to the start of the trial. 


Questions email Pam Murn
[email protected]

Volunteer hours – Sat 7/29/23


Do you need VOLUNTEER hours???It’s time to get some general work done at the club that just about anyone can do, so come one, come all…… No, that’s too many, how about 4 or 5 people this coming Saturday from 8:30 to 10:30 to do a few jobs around the outside of the building.I know it will be getting hot so we will only be out there for 2 hours.

Water will be available.

These hours count towards your membership volunteer hours so we will need to sign in and out. Bring sunscreen, gloves and hats.

Things like: digging hole to put up a new dog poop station. Yes this requires digging a hole and setting the post in concrete. Tools would be shovels and wheelbarrow(s).collect some of the stones and other debris in the grass and the parking lot, Tools would be some buckets and gloveshelp connect some new extensions to the downspouts to the drain tiles. Cutting and fitting and attaching things so a hack saw, box knife and drill-driver to put in screws.

Please let me know if you will be there and what you can help with.John Clifford

email: [email protected]

Barn Hunt/Rat Romp Volunteers Needed July 29th & Sept 9th.


EVENT CHAIR: Rachel Corbett

Please fill out the form below to request a job for the day, or contact Rachel directly by clicking on her name above.


Gem City Rat Rompers, GCDOC Barn Hunt Club is hosting it’s first official event on September 9th, 2023! We are looking for volunteers. Come have fun volunteering and learning what Barn Hunt is all about.

Location is 542 Valleycrest Dr., Dayton, OH 45404.
Building IS climate controlled!

Volunteer for the practice day July 29th

Volunteer for the Fun Test September 9th

CGC – Volunteers Needed -June 27,29, and July 3

It is that time again for CGC Evaluators and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with their CGC testing.  Please check the Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up.  You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].

The dates and times are as follows:

Tuesday June 27at 6:45 pm

Thursday June 29th at 9:15

Monday, July 3rd at 4:30

Click Here to sign up!!

Volunteers Needed – Vandalia “Dog’s night out” July 28th, 2023

Gem City Dog Obedience Club will be participating in the Vandalia “Dog’s Night Out” on Friday, July 28 from 5:30-8:00. We will have a table with some information, as well as some GCDOC swag to hand out to dogs and their people.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for the following:

  • representatives to sit at our table
  • set up and tear down crews
  • demonstrations of freestyle, obedience, rally, and agility!

Click here to volunteer!

It should be a pretty fun night with some great community interaction for our club! Volunteer hours will be given – please sign up! Hope to see a big crowd there!

Barb Siler

Volunteers Needed – Vandalia “Dog’s night out” July 28th, 2023

Gem City Dog Obedience Club will be participating in the Vandalia “Dog’s Night Out” on Friday, July 28 from 5:30-8:00. We will have a table with some information, as well as some GCDOC swag to hand out to dogs and their people.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for the following:

  • representatives to sit at our table
  • set up and tear down crews
  • demonstrations of freestyle, obedience, rally, and agility!

Click here to volunteer!

It should be a pretty fun night with some great community interaction for our club! Volunteer hours will be given – please sign up! Hope to see a big crowd there!

Barb Siler

Volunteers Needed -June 10-11,2023

Looking for Obedience and Rally Stewards for the June 10-11, 2023 AKC Trial! We will train you if you have never done this before. Come and learn from some of the best! Many of the Trial handlers will be showcasing their skills as a warmup for the AKC National Obedience and Rally Trials later in the month. Sign-up for hours on the Volunteer page.

Cathy Wright