November 25 is only a few days away and it is time for final details for Parade-Day assembly and participation. Below is a slightly edited copy from the Special events manager of the Children’s parade. Find a place to park, streets will be blocked off, make sure you allow time to drive around a bit if necessary. A good place to park is near Sinclair College. Head to West
Second Street to find our number (16) on a pole near the curb. The weather is currently predicted to be 45 degrees and dry, dress warmly. Dress festively. Check in with Pam Murn (accompanied by a Golden Retriever named Scout. Pam will be wearing a red coat). A half hour (see notes below) is a long time to wait in the cold, however please do not show up at the last minute, as Pam will not be able to write your name on my clip board as the parade takes off and it is very worrisome when no one is cuing up for the parade to begin. Pam cell 937-838-6042. Sign your name if texting. Email [email protected] please do not email after noon on the day of the parade.
. Dress festively with lots of lights and bling. Do not dress as Santa, as the official Santa is part of the final unit.
Gem City Dog Club’s unit number is 16. We will be staging near the corner of Second and Wilkinson. We will follow the Santa baby 76 dance club. The humane society will follow Gem City. There will be music around us but not bands with loud drums.
Please note these important planning times:
4:00 PM
. All staging areas will be closed to general traffic and will be accessible to Parade Entrants only.
7:30 PM
. Please arrive by 7:30 Check in with Pam Murn and Golden Retriever Scout.
7:55 PM
. The Parade will officially begin as the lead unit moves from Second and Ludlow streets.
. Because of potential danger to spectators, throwing candy, trinkets, etc. from any parade vehicle is strictly prohibited.
. Proper unit spacing and parade pace is critical for timing and spectator enjoyment so, voluntarily stopping for formation drills, reverse marching and other demonstrations by bands and drill teams cannot be allowed.
And don’t forget…the Dayton Children’s Parade happens regardless of the weather.
Hope you’re ready to be part of a spectacular evening!
Pamela Murn