10/22/2015 – Scarlet


Registered Name: Scarlet
Call Name of Pet: Scarlet
07/15/2003 – 10/22/2015
Please list titles earned:
canine good citizen
she earned some CPE agility level titles

Scarlet was a therapy dog through and through. she tried agility but only wanted to visit everyone. Luckily for me I work in a skilled nursing facility, and she was able to come to work with me and make the lives of the residents a bit more bearable in her presence.

Owner Name: Stacie Parks

05/29/2015 – Jasper Tiberius Kiefer

Call Name: Jasper T
09/25/2013 – 05/29/2015

Jasper absolutely LOVED chasing objects. Frisbee and balls were his favorites. He could roll a soccer ball all around the back yard with little to no interaction from his humans. He is greatly missed by his family. He fought the cancer long and hard, but his pain was put to rest with his family by his side.

Owner: Chris Kiefer

08/19/2013 – Gypsie’s Girl


Registered Name of Pet: Gypsie’s Girl
Name of Pet: GG
11/08/2002 – 08/19/2013
Titles earned: CPE Catch and Catch -2

GG enjoyed playing agility with me. She was my protector and true heart dog. She loved to snuggle and make me feel special. GG loved to play with the big cheap beach balls you can find at Walmart. I would purchase several for a few dollars and just turn her loose with them. She would chase them around until she punctured them and then rip and tear at the left overs. She also loved destroying the squeaker out of toys.

Owner Name: Stacie Parks

07/19/2011 – Gypsie Rose


Registered Name of Pet: Gypsie Rose
Call Name of Pet we are remembering: Gypsie
04/15/2001 – 07/19/2011

Titles earned:

Canine good citizen
CPE Catch

Gypsie played agility because i asked her too, I think she had fun at times though. Gypsie really loved being a mother. She was a great mom to her puppies, which GG came from. She also was great mom to Scarlet’s puppies. Gypsie was definitely the pack leader and everyone respected her. if a new pack member was to be introduced, Gypsie had to give the approval.

Member Name: Stacie Parks

11/27/2006 – My Awesome Aussie


Registered Name of Pet: My Awesome Aussie
Call Name of Pet we are remembering: Aussie
07/15/2000 – 11/27/2006

Titles earned: canine good citizen

Aussie loved everything. He loved agility, although his time was cut way too short to earn any titles other than some early level one and two titles. He was a great companion and friend. He was a defender of his pack and protected what was important to him. He had such a zest for life that he just loved being in the moment and doing whatever was asked of him at the time.

Owner Name: Stacie Parks