Volunteers Needed – CGC April 24-27th, 2023

It is that time again for CGC Evaluators and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with their CGC testing.  Please check the Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up.  You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].


The dates and times are as follows:

Monday, April 24th at 8:00pm

Tuesday,  April 25th at 6:45pm

Thursday, April 27rd at 9:15am 

New DOUBLE Volunteer Hours available in Feb!

It is that time again for CGC Evaluators and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with their CGC testing.  Please check the Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up.  You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].


The dates and times are as follows:

Thursday February 16 at 9:15 am

Monday February 20 at 4:30 pm

Tuesday February 21 at 6:45 pm

Thank you so much!


Children’s Parade 2022 UPDATE!

November 25 is only a few days away and it is time for final details for Parade-Day assembly and participation. Below is a slightly edited copy from the Special events manager of the Children’s parade.  Find a place to park, streets will be blocked off, make sure you allow time to drive around a bit if necessary.  A good place to park is near Sinclair College.  Head to West
Second Street to find our number (16) on a pole near the curb.  The weather is currently predicted to be 45 degrees and dry, dress warmly.  Dress festively. Check in with Pam Murn (accompanied by a Golden Retriever named Scout.  Pam will be wearing a red coat). A half hour (see notes below) is a long time to wait in the cold, however please do not show up at the last minute, as Pam will not be able to write your name on my clip board as the parade takes off and it is very worrisome when no one is cuing up for the parade to begin.  Pam cell 937-838-6042.  Sign your name if texting.  Email [email protected] please do not email after noon on the day of the parade.
.       Dress festively with lots of lights and bling. Do not dress as Santa, as the official Santa is part of the final unit.
Gem City Dog Club’s unit number is 16.  We will be staging near the corner of Second and Wilkinson.  We will follow the Santa baby 76 dance club.  The humane society will follow Gem City.  There will be music around us but not bands with loud drums.
Please note these important planning times:
4:00 PM
.       All staging areas will be closed to general traffic and will be accessible to Parade Entrants only.
7:30 PM
.       Please arrive by 7:30 Check in with Pam Murn and Golden Retriever Scout.
7:55 PM
.       The Parade will officially begin as the lead unit moves from Second and Ludlow streets.
.       Because of potential danger to spectators, throwing candy, trinkets, etc. from any parade vehicle is strictly prohibited.
.       Proper unit spacing and parade pace is critical for timing and spectator enjoyment so, voluntarily stopping for formation drills, reverse marching and other demonstrations by bands and drill teams cannot be allowed.

And don’t forget…the Dayton Children’s Parade happens regardless of the weather.
Hope you’re ready to be part of a spectacular evening!

Pamela Murn

Holiday Parade – Volunteer Nov 25th 6-8pm

Gem City is once again invited to march in the Holiday Parade Friday November 25. The parade takes place after the grand illumination (Christmas tree lights up). Dress festively, dress yourself and your dog in lights. Bring family members and as many dogs as you like. We will also need 2 people to carry the Gem City banner. About a week before the parade, an email will be sent letting you know the meeting location in downtown Dayton, the meeting time and some dos and don’ts. The time is likely to be around 6:30 PM. The parade route is about a half mile (an easy walk). You will receive hours for participating (about 2 hours per dog handler team, allowing for your time spent parking and walking to the start, then waiting for the parade to start). Sign up on line to give us an idea of how many participants to expect. It’s always a fun time. The children love to see our dogs. Below is a copy of the note from the parade coordinator.

Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Dayton Children’s Spectacular in Lights Parade on Friday, November 25th. Because this is the 50th Anniversary of the Dayton Holiday Festival, we want to make it extra exciting and bright for the children watching. We look forward to seeing you all lit up and festive! Don’t be afraid to get creative.

You’ll be receiving more details soon.

Pamela Murn

2nd call for Volunteers – Nov 4-6th

NEW MEMBERSHIP year hours available.

We need to finalize our workers for the GCDOC Fast Cat next Fri-Sat-Sun(Nov-4 -6)

This is one of the money makers for the club and we are required to have on site a certain number of members and they are used to help run the event.

This is what we are still in need of, please be aware that this event happens no matter cold, rain or heat!!!!!!!

Friday:  ribbon person to help record times/mph all day needed (if K9 has their own person, we will use this person to help open/close the release gate for Huntmaster)

Saturday:  Need 2 releasers all day –these people will be releasing dogs for handlers

Sunday:   Need 2 people to work the check in desk morning ONLY

                 Need 2 people to release all day

Thanks!   Ronalee

[email protected]

Volunteers Needed – FAST CAT Nov 4-6, 2022

Need some club hours for the new year?   Come on out, rain, shine, or cold  the weekend of November 4-5-6, 2022 for GCDOC Fast Cat at K9 Splash Zone in 

Brookville Ohio.   

This event really helps the club out financially and is a great way to get your hours in!    We are in need of those individuals that aren’t afraid of the weather to help get the right people in the right place and right time to run their dogs!!!!

You can work the morning shift (7:30- 11:00)

afternoon shift (11:45 – appx 2:30—maybe later if last minute sign ups)

or work an entire day shift and we will get you lunch (7:30 – appx 2:30), 

We are in need of the following: 

 (We will show you what to do when you get there!)

2 people for Sunday, 11/6 morning for check in table (appx 7:30-11:00 am) bring a chair!

2-3 people to release dogs or catch dogs for owners  all three days, all times available!

1 person to help at the release gate to keep the line moving all three days, all times available.


Please contact Ronalee McKnight ([email protected]).   I work, so give me until the evening to respond!   Thanks to those of you that have already volunteered!

Volunteers Needed – CGC – DOUBLE HOURS -Nov14,15,17 2022

It is that time again for CGC Evalutors and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with thier CGC testing. Please check the Volunteer Oppunities page to sign up. You will earn double hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].

The dates and times are as follows:

Monday November 14th at 8 pm

Tuesday November 15th at 6:45pm 

Thursday November 17th at 9:15 am

Thank you,
Rachel Corbett