Reminder – Awards Banquet Items Needed!!

Hey Handlers and 4 legged family members,

The GCDOC Awards Dinner will be Saturday, February 17, 2024
starting at 5 pm with dinner served around 5:30. Info on RSVP/theme for the evening will come out soon!

We are ready to start receiving all the wonderful pics of your dogs in action!   Please read carefully so that we get what we need all in the same email please!

Remember, this is a celebration of 2023 doggie achievements.

Those planning on attending the event should send in the following pics all by January 26.

Please read carefully and send each on a separate email with the ‘subject’ being whatever you are sending in please(Example: New Kids).   Also give us a couple of days to let you know we have it, most of us are still working full time jobs.

Award Slides:  to be used when you come up to get your award bar send
1 PHOTO with your 2023 earned titles or addtl top venue info to  [email protected]
(remember, this will NOT get you a bar made, those needed to be turned in on the website per the earlier notice)

New Kids:  to be used if you’ve adopted a new dog or a puppy send up to
2 photos for your new pup/adoptee with full name to  [email protected]

Rainbow Bridge:  to be used if you lost your dog during the year send up to
2 photos with dogs full name, titles, age, owners, to [email protected]
Please also feel free to send me the human name of any members and a picture you may have if any, so that we don’t forget anyone lost.

General: these are used at the beginning while members are coming in, you can send up to 2 pictures of each dog you own to [email protected]

Special Photos:  this will be asked for specific dog pics at a later date!!!!!!

Awards Banquet Photo Requests and Info!

Hey Handlers and 4 legged family members,

The GCDOC Awards Dinner will be Saturday, February 17, 2024
starting at 5 pm with dinner served around 5:30. Info on RSVP/theme for the evening will come out soon!
We are ready to start receiving all the wonderful pics of your dogs in action!   Please read carefully so that we get what we need all in the same email please!
Remember, this is a celebration of 2023 doggie achievements.
Those planning on attending the event should send in the following pics all by January 26.
Please read carefully and send each on a separate email with the 'subject' being whatever you are sending in please(Example: New Kids).   Also give us a couple of days to let you know we have it, most of us are still working full time jobs.
Award Slides:  to be used when you come up to get your award bar send 
1 PHOTO with your 2023 earned titles or addtl top venue info to  [email protected]
(remember, this will NOT get you a bar made, those needed to be turned in on the website per the earlier notice)
New Kids:  to be used if you've adopted a new dog or a puppy send up to
 2 photos for your new pup/adoptee with full name to  [email protected]
Rainbow Bridge:  to be used if you lost your dog during the year send up to 
2 photos with dogs full name, titles, age, owners, to [email protected]
Please also feel free to send me the human name of any members and a picture you may have if any, so that we don't forget anyone lost.
General: these are used at the beginning while members are coming in, you can send up to 2 pictures of each dog you own.
Special Photos:  this will be asked for specific dog pics at a later date!!!!!!


To all the GCDOC members in this group! Last week I put your service vouchers in an accordion file in the Obedience cabinet. The file is next to the trays for the board and It is a light blue. The vouchers are alphabetized by your last name. 

For board members, you have 5 Blue Ribbon vouchers (1 per session) in small sandwich bags in my Membership tray. 

Cleaning committee, Land and turf maintenance also have Blue Ribbon and service vouchers in another large sandwich bag.

All service vouchers and Blue Ribbon vouchers have your last name on the back of the voucher.

Please pick up your vouchers as soon as possible.

Awards Banquet Info – Feb 17, 2024!

Awards Dinner for 2023 Year  

Save the date:  Saturday Feb 17, 2024

Please note that ALL titles for the plaques provided by the club come from the Members Portion of the website.   So, all those need to be turned in by Jan 4!!!!

IF you do not fill out the title submission part on the members portion of our website, you will NOT have a plaque bar provided at the awards dinner.     Those all need to be done by Jan 4 so that the bars for the GCDOC plaques can be made(lots of members to do!)

Dates for picture turn in for the slide presentations will be sent out after the holidays.   They won’t be due until the end of January or first week of February, but please don’t send them now!


Class Registration OPEN for session 1, 2024

Class registration is now open to everyone.

PLEASE REFRESH YOUR BROWSER TO SEE THE UPDATED SITE! Please note: if you sit around day after day hitting refresh on the website, you WILL fill your browser’s memory with the old version of the site. Please clear your cache before hitting refresh again if you don’t see the updated site.

Obedience Teacher/Assistant Meeting! Thursday @ 6:30pm

Reminder to all obedience instructors and assistants. There is an obedience meeting on Thursday at 630. The purpose of this seminar is to summarize and review teaching points to develop more congruence between the various teaching pairs. As well as develop a system to promote new instructors and bring them on board as they become ready. 

There will be light dinner provided. 

Hope to see many of you Thursday 

Kristina Morgan 

Gem City Obedience Director 

GIVING TUESDAY! Eastway Boys Christmas 2023!

Happy Holidays!!

It’s that time year again Gem City Dog Club will be providing a little Christmas cheer for the Eastway Boys Group Home next to Gem City’s Dog Club Building on Northcutt.  Each year we try to provide some Christmas gifts or a large gift that all the boys can enjoy throughout the year.  We will be accepting donations made out to Gem City Dog Obedience Club.  Last year we were able to purchase 2 table top gaming systems and 25 board games and puzzles. Carole Lenehan, Mary Beam & Terri Hendrix will be organizing this endeavor. 

Please contact Terri Hendrix at [email protected] with your donation amount so we know what to budget for this year.  Thank you.