Message regarding Barn Hunt

The Board of Directors has initiated discussions with an organization that has been recently formed to resolve issues related to the Barn Hunt program at the Club. Your Board recognizes the enjoyment and satisfaction many of our members enjoy as a result of their participation in Barn Hunt activities. We appreciate the hard work and enthusiasm many of our members have displayed building and managing this program. It is our hope and desire that members of our club can continue to enjoy Barn Hunt classes, practices and events.

With that said, our club is an organization that has always worked for the good of its members. Member conduct and compliance with rules are imperative to the smooth operation of an organization with nearly 200 members, and a variety of interests in dog sports and activities. Your board members need to fulfill their responsibilities to protect our organizations property, reputation and liability. We are prepared to negotiate in good faith with the well-being of our Club and its members in mind.
While we we work through the process of this situation, we ask that you please respect the process and refrain from spreading misinformation that you don’t know to be completely accurate.

Volunteer Opportunities – Weekly Digest!

There are plenty of fun volunteer opportunities coming up! Some are even months away, for those of you who plan!

Reminder! You DO NOT NEED TO LOG IN in order to sign up! Just click and go! But make certain you type your email correctly, so the volunteer coordinator can contact you if they need to change anything!

Rat Rompers Trials – MarchFebruary 28, 2025March 2, 2025View & sign-up »
UKC Obedience/Rally Trial March 22 and 23, 2025March 21, 2025March 23, 2025View & sign-up »
WCRL Rally Trial AprilApril 11, 2025April 13, 2025View & sign-up »
WCRL Rally Trial JulyJuly 18, 2025July 20, 2025View & sign-up »
WCRL Rally Trial DecemberDecember 5, 2025December 7, 2025View & sign-up »

Building Closed in May (See below for dates)

All members:

The Northcut building will be closed for all training on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 16, 17 18. The 33 lights in the main room and bathrooms are scheduled to be upgraded to LED which will require an electric lift, floor coverings, and various materials on the floor.  The timing to get this done is very tight and we will not be able to accommodate a safe passage to the turf room.

The front room will still have the scissors lift in it until it can be picked up that morning or afternoon.  We will have it out of there before classes start.

Thank you for your cooperation.

John Clifford

GCDOC Maintenance

Volunteers Needed – Rat Rompers Trial March 1-2, 2025


Volunteer Coordinator: Angela Payne

Please Click HERE to request a job for the day, or contact Angela directly by clicking on her name above.

We will be having food!

The Gem City Rat Rompers, GCDOC Barn Hunt Club is hosting a trial.  We are looking for volunteers. Come have fun volunteering and learning what Barn Hunt is all about. Location is 542 Valleycrest Dr., Dayton, OH 45404. Building IS climate controlled!