Our next freestyle show is in 2 weeks! I could really use some help with the following:
Friday, 11/04/22: Set up! Starting at 12pm. We’re usually done around 4, but, if you’d like to be busy until the membership meeting at 7, I promise you I can find things for you to do until then! Also, make sure to come to the membership meeting
Saturday, 11/05/22:
8am – 12pm: Leash runner 1
8am – 12pm: Leash runner 2
12pm – 4pm: Leash runner 2
8am – 12pm: Gate steward
12pm – 4pm: Gate steward
8am – 12pm: Floating helper
12pm – 4pm: Floating helper
Sunday, 11/05/2022:
8am – 12pm: Leash runner 1
12pm – 4pm: Leash runner 1
8am – 12pm: Leash runner 2
12pm – 4pm: Leash runner 2
8am – 12pm: Gate steward
12pm – 4pm: Gate steward
8am – 12pm: Floating helper
12pm – 4pm: Floating helper
8am – 4pm (because I’d really prefer it be the same person for the whole day so that it’s fair to competitors): Timer (best job to sit and spectate)
https://gcdoc.com/volunteers-needed/?sheet_id=26 – SIGN UP HERE!!
Please note that, depending on the state of the world, we may need you to mask (I’m hoping we don’t have to), and that we aren’t able to provide lunch at this time (huge bummer, so please make sure to bring your lunch; you are for sure welcome to any pop or water in the fridge).
Thank you all so much!!!
Ashley Huehn