First of all Congratulations to all those that earned titles in 2023!!
Secondly, in case you did not notice, the title bar you received at the banquet erroneously had the date of 2024. We are re-ordering all the title bars with the correct date of 2023. We will send out a notice when they are available and you will be able to pick them up at the club.
Category: News
Current News for Members
Final Reminder – Banquet TONIGHT!!
We are so excited to see you tonight, and celebrate all your exciting titles!
What: GCDOC Awards Banquet When: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Where: GCDOC Building
Time: 5:30 Social (bring your own snacks and drinks) 6:30 Dinner (box lunches from Little Miami Catering)
Dessert will be included. Drinks will be available: Reg. & Diet Coke, Pepsi, 7UP Water
Barn Hunt Volunteers Needed in April 2024!
Volunteer Coordinator: Angela Payne
Please fill out the form to request a job for the day, or contact Angela directly by clicking on her name above.
We will be having food!The Gem City Rat Rompers, GCDOC Barn Hunt Club is hosting a trial April 6 and 7. We are looking for volunteers. Come have fun volunteering and learning what Barn Hunt is all about. Location is 542 Valleycrest Dr., Dayton, OH 45404. Building IS climate controlled!
Change to Bylaws
The GCDOC board has voted to change the Bylaws Section 2 Dues. To change the Bylaws the Membership must also vote by secret ballot on the change presented by the board. Two-thirds of the membership present must vote “yes” to change the bylaws. We would like to change the word “sent” to each member to “make available” to each member and to change the days that a lapsed member can reapply to reinstate their membership from “90” to “30” days. Below is a copy of tje current Section 2 of the bylaws:
Section 2. DUES. GCDOC’s fiscal year is January 1 to December 31. The Membership year is November 1 to October 31. Membership dues shall be established by the board and shall not exceed $100 per year, payable to the Membership Chair on or before the last day of October. Dues for new members paid on or after July 1, shall carry over to the following year. No member may vote or hold office if that member’s dues are not paid for the current year. During the month of September, the Membership Chair shall send to each member a statement of dues for the ensuing year. After November 1 dues have lapsed, but members have a maximum of 90 days to reapply for membership. Such reapplying members must pay a reinstatement fee and dues as set forth in the Standing Rules.
REMINDER – Building CLOSED for Banquet Fri-Sat!
A reminder that the building will be CLOSED (YES, EVEN THE TURF ROOM!!) Friday afternoon through Saturday evening. Our committee will be working hard to CLEAN, decorate, and set everything so that we will have a lower percentage of dog hair in our food. Please respect this work and avoid bringing your dogs to the building until Sunday.
Thank you!
The Awards Banquet Committee
2023 Awards Banquet RSVP NOW!!!
The 2023 Awards Banquet tickets are now on sale DEADLINE IS FEB 10.
This year we are offering boxed meals from Little Miami Catering! There are tons of food choices, sandwiches and croissants, salads and wraps, and there should be something for everyone! You can even choose side dishes and meats!
We know that not everyone feels comfortable with food choices like these, so again this year we are offering a “Non meal” option. We will still be supplying drinks and desserts for everyone, so the non-meal choice still has a cost associated, but we are hopeful that we will all have a wonderful time at our own comfort levels!
As we did in previous years, again this year we are offering a Paypal payment option, or a mail-in check option. BOTH must be done through the website! This is your chance to RSVP!
February 2024 CGC Volunteers Needed – Double hours!
It is that time again for CGC Evaluators and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with their CGC testing. Please check the Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up. You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].
The dates and times are as follows:
Feb. 15th, Thurs 9:15am
Feb. 19th, Mon 8:00pm
Feb. 20 Tues 6:45pm
2023 Awards Banquet Reminder & Request!
Final Call for pictures for the Awards Dinner, all are due by this Saturday 1/26!!
Due date on RSVP for dinner is February 10th!
Award Slides: to be used when you come up to get your award bar send 1 PHOTO with your 2023 earned titles or additional top venue info to [email protected]
(remember, this will NOT get you a bar made, those needed to be turned in on the website per the earlier notice)
New Kids: to be used if you’ve adopted a new dog or a puppy send up to 2 photos for your new pup/adoptee with full name to [email protected]
Rainbow Bridge: to be used if you lost your dog during the year send up to 2 photos with dogs full name, titles, age, owners, to [email protected]
Please also feel free to send me the human name of any members and a picture you may have if any, so that we don’t forget anyone lost.
General: these are used at the beginning while members are coming in, you can send up to 2 pictures of each dog you own to [email protected]
Special Photos: may not use all pictures if I get a lot, but looking for pictures of dogs that fit the call of: “Catch me if you can!” Due this weekend please!! Email title should be “Catch me” sent to [email protected]
Examples looking for:
Banquet RSVP – Problems paying with check FIXED!
I made a mistake in updating last year’s banquet ticket prices and failed to change the “Mailing a check” prices. I am so sorry to all of you who were confused on how to place your RSVP! The problem has now been fixed. Please CLOSE your web browser, and RELOAD the order page! You should see the new credit pricing!
2023 Awards Banquet RSVP NOW!!!
The 2023 Awards Banquet tickets are now on sale. This year we are offering boxed meals from Little Miami Catering!
There are tons of food choices, sandwiches and croissants, salads and wraps, and there should be something for everyone! You can even choose side dishes and meats!
We know that not everyone feels comfortable with food choices like these, so again this year we are offering a “Non meal” option. We will still be supplying drinks and desserts for everyone, so the non-meal choice still has a cost associated, but we are hopeful that we will all have a wonderful time at our own comfort levels!
As we did in previous years, again this year we are offering a Paypal payment option, or a mail-in check option. BOTH must be done through the website! This is your chance to RSVP!