As many of you know, we have been in contract to have a new roof put on for over a year now. With the tornadoes devastating so many homes and businesses, we politely agreed that the roofers had more important locations to take care of. Last night we got word that our roofers (Miami Valley Construction Services) will be at our location starting as early as tomorrow (Wednesday)! We are very excited to be able to remove the buckets from our rafters! Replacing the roof could take up to a week.
Our board met earlier this month, and we talked about many other exciting things. As you have all been made aware, we are getting ready to dip our toes back in to classes. Please try to remain understanding as we limit class sizes, limit the number of classes available, and look for new instructors. This also means that in some cases, we will be using the great outdoors for our classes at the Land. We are currently on summer break per our schedule, and to save on cooling costs, have opted to keep that same summer schedule for the most part.
As a board, we also discussed Volunteer hours. Look for creative ways for everyone to be able to gain volunteer hours in a future email.
Many of you have been worrying about our finances. I’m pleased to announce that our treasurer is NOT as worried as many of you are! We may be asking members to pay member price rather than use vouchers for a couple sessions, but do not anticipate a large financial hardship due to having to cancel classes and trials at this time. We will let you know if we need this type of assistance in the future.
Many of you have been going to Facebook to gain information. I know that this seems like an easy way to ask questions, but please remember, the “Friends of Gem City” Facebook group is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. It is not restricted to only club members, and does not always contain the most up to date information or the best path to reach the answers you are looking for. Our website is kept up to date with the most recent trail cancellations, premiums, and information about classes restarting.
You can log in to our website at any time to gain access to being able to send an email to our Sunshine Chair. Maybe you know someone in the club who has lost a pet or close family member. Please use the form on the website to contact the sunshine chair so they can send out a card to that club member.
We are in an ever shifting world with the pandemic, and much of this is subject to change if Ohio should happen to shut down again. Please continue to play safely with your furry friends, and be polite with providing distance and safety precautions for others who may not be as fortunate as you in their health. I think we can all agree that we want Ohio to STAY OPEN!
Chris Kiefer
President & Webmaster
Gem City Dog Obedience Club