We need a volunteer for a CHAIR position for our November 12-13, 2022 Conformation trial. If there are 2 persons who would like to CO-CHAIR, that would be fine. They can contact me or Tami Woodrow [email protected] for further information.
UKC Obedience/Rally Trial VOLUNTEERS!!
Volunteers are needed for Cross Roads Canine Club (CCC) UKC obedience and
Rally Trials March 26 and 27, 2022 at 4920 Northcutt.
Workers will need to arrive by 8:00 AM. The trial will last until about 3:00 PM. A better time estimate will be available after entries close.
Lunch will be provided for workers.
contact Pam Murn [email protected] or 937 838 4042.
Set up will be the Friday before the trial (time TBD).
Double Hour Volunteers Needed!
Calling all volunteers:
There are multiple needs for CGC evaluator and helpers next week. Easy volunteer hours. See volunteer needs on the members page.
The hunt for instructors and assistance is still on. Large need for puppy teachers. No qualifications necessary. Kristina will find you a place to fit.
It takes a village to make our club great. Everyone has strengths and sharing our strengths makes us all strong as a group.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington
Looking forward hearing from you all. Feel free to reach out to me. My email is [email protected] or text 740-606-8943 (work night shift so might not respond during the day)
Kristina Morgan
Gem City Obedience Director
Volunteer needed with large van or truck!
A volunteer able to transport tables in their vehicle (van or truck) is needed to move tables from the land to Northcutt in preparation for the banquet which will be held on February 19th. Most likely all tables can be moved in one trip. This labor intensive task will earn you double hours. The tables will need to be at Northcutt by Friday February 18th. The tables will need to be returned to the land within a week after the banquet. If you can help please contact Pam Murn [email protected] or call or text 937-838-6042.
Reminder and New Volunteer Items!
There are several great volunteer opportunities now available on the website, just visit the Volunteers Needed section!
THE CLEANING CREW IS BACK!! Please remember, the building will be closed Fridays 10am-12pm.
Volunteer Opportunities
New Volunteer opportunities are now available on the website. Please click the link below this email to sign up (no login required to sign up!).
THE #1 thing new applicant members ask about is how to find volunteer opportunities
Are you a trial chair or a volunteer coordinator for an upcoming trial? It’s fast and it’s easy! Previously used sign-up sheets can easily be reused with minimal input from you! Please take the time to contact the webadmin to add your trial to the list! [email protected]