Suspected/Verified Covid-19Infection SituationsIf you, the GCDOC member, student or contractor -Have been in close contact (see CDC guidance regarding close contact) to a person who has tested positive for the coronavirus Test positive for coronavirus and have attended the club at all in the prior 2 weeks (see examples below)Do not use Gem City facilities (including volunteering, teaching or practicing privately). Per the CDC you are required to self-quarantine. Timing varies based upon the situation. If you were practicing with someone, or a group, please notify each individual, and let a board member know you have done so. Notify a board member with the following information: Dates/times you were on the Club property and Events or classes attended or taughtDownload and read our entire COVID-19 Plan Name*FirstLast Email* Phone* Please list dates and/or classes you were in our building during the past 2 weeks. (Please include any private practice(s):* Please explain when you first had symptoms, and what recommendations you have been given from your doctor(s) or health professionals:* reCAPTCHANotifiy the BoardReset