Land Email

Land Email

Message from the president:

Hello folks. I am trying to get to the bottom to the email about the land being closed during certain times.

In the future, if you come across something like this, please email the board and me so we can appropriately approach a solution. While we realize having it posted yourself is the easiest way, it’s not the right way.

Board email: [email protected]

The entire board will receive your email.

My email: [email protected]

I will receive this so I can present it to the board.

Once I find out more, I will attempt to answer your questions.

Thank you!


Reminder -Trials

Just our yearly friendly reminder that when trials are happening at either location, the ENTIRE location is closed for the duration of the trial. Most venues stipulate that no non-competitive animals are allowed at the location, and we wouldn’t want to get a fine or have our ability to hold trials with that venue revoked!

Please check the website calendar for trials before assuming the building or the land are available to you, and please keep in mind that trial workers often set up 12-24 hours in advance of the trail, and once set up has started, it is considered off limits!

Class Registration OPEN for session 3, 2024

Class registration is now open to everyone.

PLEASE REFRESH YOUR BROWSER TO SEE THE UPDATED SITE! Please note: if you sit around day after day hitting refresh on the website, you WILL fill your browser’s memory with the old version of the site. Please clear your cache before hitting refresh again if you don’t see the updated site.

Volunteers Needed – CGC Helpers April 2024!

It is that time again for CGC Evalulators and CGC Helpers to sign up to help the Advanced Beginner class with thier CGC testing.  Please check the Volunteer Opportunities page to sign up.  You will earn double volunteer hours and this is an easy way to get them. If you have any questions you can contact Rachel Corbett at [email protected].


The dates and times are as follows:
Monday, April 22 at 430
Wednesday, April 24 at 730
Thursday, April 25 at 915
Tuesday, April 30 at 730

Volunteers Needed – Outdoor Earth Dog Fun April 27-28th

We are looking for a few volunteers for the Earthdog Trials on April 27 and 28. Some walking on uneven ground and standing is involved. Other than that, the work isn’t strenuous. No prior Earthdog experience is required. You will do a variety of tasks, such as opening and closing a gate, managing a line of competitors, being a helper for the judge, etc. You also don’t have to have a dog in Earthdog to volunteer for Earthdog. We might be finished each day before 6.

Saturday 9 to 1:30 need 3 volunteers

Saturday 1:30 to 6 need 3 volunteers

Sunday 9 to 1:30 need 3 volunteers

Sunday 1:30 to 6 need 3 volunteers



Click here to volunteer!

Oops! We made a Class Registration Mistake!

While the Tuesday Evening Advanced Beginner Obedience class was listed on the “available class schedule” page, we made a mistake and forgot to set the class for sale! We just now found our mistake, so ONLY THIS CLASS is now available for sale for a limited time. If you were dreaming of Advanced beginners in the evening, hurry over and get signed up!