GemCity Dog Obedience Club, Inc.
Waiver of Claims, Assumptionof Risk, and
Acceptance of FinancialResponsibility Agreement
We/I,the undersigned, hereby acknowledge we/I have voluntarily taken aclass or applied for membership, which may include dog owner/handlertraining or related services, or access to any property owned, leasedor rented by the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc.
We/Iunderstand and recognize that the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc.,is an all-volunteer,non-profit community service organization ofindividual dog owners dedicated to helping other dog owners learnabout responsible dog ownership and canine good citizenship. We/Ifurther understand and recognize that the Gem City Dog ObedienceClub, Inc., is not, and does not purport to be, an organization of“professional” dog trainers, and that the instructors suppliedare strictly amateur, unpaid volunteers, and are not professionals inthe field of dog training, or in the field of real propertyimprovement or maintenance. We/I further understand that realproperty owned or used by said Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc., ismaintained on an all-volunteer basis, and does not purport
tobe free from hazards. We/Iunderstand that use of said Club’s property, as well asparticipation in dog owner/handler training, or related classes, willnecessarily expose the participants to certain risks. We/Iunderstand that there are hazards on the said property, including,but not limited to, uneven and irregular terrain. We/I alsounderstand that wildlife may inhabit said property, that the wildlifemay carry rabies or other diseases, and that there may be severalwild life holes, tunnels, dens, and excavations, including, but notlimited to, ground hog burrows. We/I am aware of the existence ofthese hazards. We/Ifully understand these risks include, but are not limited to, thefollowing representative examples, which are not intended to beall-inclusive: the risks of being bitten, clawed or tripped by eithera wild animal, or a feral or domesticated dog, on said property, orof tripping or falling into a wild life excavation, burrow, tunnel,den, or hole;therisk of encountering vegetation which may stimulate an allergicreaction, e.g., poison oak or poison ivy; the risks of theowner/handler being bitten, scratched, soiled, tripped, yanked,jerked, attacked, frightened, or otherwise injured by wildlife, or byother dogs on the property or in the classes, or by theowner/handler’s own dog; the risks of tripping over or slippingupon the ground or floor matting, dogs, or dog training relatedobjects, or slipping on dog drool or dog solid or liquid wastematter, or colliding with dogs, other human participants, dogtraining props, dog jumps, dog obstacles, dog gating or buildingparts, including, but not limited to, walls, doors, and supportbeams.
We/Iare/am fully aware that such risks exist, and voluntarily, freely,and knowingly assume all such risks, whether or not specificallyenumerated above. Inpartial consideration of the opportunity to use the said Club’sproperty for dog owner/handler training classes or any other Gem CityDog Obedience Club, Inc., activities, or events or other Club ordog-related purposes, including socialization with other Members,we/I hereby agree that we/I, our/my heirs, distributees, guardians,legal representatives, and assigns will not initiate a claim or legalaction against, or otherwise, sue, or attach the property of, the GemCity Dog Obedience Club, Inc., or its Officers, Directors,Instructors, or Members, for any injuries, deaths, or propertydamage, suffered as a result of use of said property or participationin such classes, activities, or events within the scope of the risksherewith voluntarily and knowingly assumed. This agreement includes,but is not limited to, our voluntary waiver of any and all claims,suits, or causes of action based on the aforestated risks hereinvoluntarily assumed. We/I hereby release the Gem City Dog ObedienceClub, Inc. from all responsibility in case of injury, death, loss ordamage to ourselves/myself or our/my dog or dogs or any propertywhich may be incurred on the Club's property, or during, before orafter training sessions or any other Gem City Dog Obedience Club,Inc., sponsored classes, events, activities, or any other functions,when caused by other class, activity, event, or other functionparticipants or their dogs, or by our/my own dog(s). We/I will nothold the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc., legally or financiallyresponsible in any such matter. Further, in recognition of theall-volunteer, non-profit, amateur status of the Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., we/I hereby agree we/I will not hold the GemCity Dog Obedience Club, Inc., to the same standard of care as may berequired under the laws of the State of Ohio for professional dogtrainers or real property developers. Should we/I personally, orour/my dog or dogs, or our/my minor children, be the cause of anyinjuries, death, loss, or damage to persons using the Club's saidland, or attending, viewing, or instructing the Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., training sessions or any other Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., sponsored activities or events, or to anyproperty owned or leased by the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc.we/Iwill accept full responsibility under the laws of the State of Ohio,and shall promptly and fully compensate any and all victims of suchinjuries, deaths, losses, or other damages to the full extentprovided by the laws of the State of Ohio.
We/Ifurther agree to save, defend, and hold harmless the Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., and its Officers, Directors, Instructors, andMembers, from any claims, suits, or other actions resulting from thedamages, losses, injuries, or death caused by our/my dogs, or us/mepersonally, or our/my minor children. We/Ifurther agree that, should it be necessary for the Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., or its Officers, Directors, Instructors, orMembers, to sue or take other legal actions in order to enforce thisagreement, that we/I agree to pay all reasonable legal fees, courtcosts, and related costs necessitated by such enforcement action.
We/Iunderstand that no warranties are made with respect to condition oruse of the said Club’s property, and that the Club’s trainingclasses do not guarantee the performance or behavior of the dogsunder any circumstances and are offered strictly as guidelines inorder to provide a community service.
Tominimize risks to myself, my dog or dogs and others we/I agree tokeep our/my dog or dogs under control at all times.We/I understand that, as a result of our voluntary assumption of riskand release of liability waivers set forth above, that any injuries,deaths, losses, or damages to ourselves/myself, our/my dog or dogsand personal property caused by wildlife or land conditions, or byanother dog, or our/my own dog, shall be solely the responsibility ofthat dog’s owner(s) and/or handler(s), and not the Gem City DogObedience Club, Inc., or its Officers, Directors, Instructors, orMembers. It is our/my intent that, regardless of my state ofresidence, the laws of the State of Ohio shall govern this agreement,which I intend to be legally binding. We/Iagree and intend that, should any portion of this agreement be, forany reason, deemed legally unenforceable or void under the laws ofthe State of Ohio, the remaining portions shall nevertheless beaccorded full force and effect.
We/Ihereby warrant and certify that our/my dog or dogs to use or come upthe said property, or to be enrolled in training or other activitiesof the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc., are currently, and willbe kept, fully compliant with rabies and other vaccinations requiredbymy county of residence and the State of Ohio, and my county and stateof residence, if not Ohio.
We/Iagree to report immediately to the Gem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc.,through its designated Registrars, Instructors, or Directors ofObedience, Agility, Conformation, or Board Members, any incident orinformation which may reasonably indicate our/my dog may pose athreat to the safety of humans or other dogs.
We/Ifurther agree that we/I will not engage in any form of attack dogtraining on any premises owned, leased, controlled, or used by theGem City Dog Obedience Club, Inc.
We/Ihave carefully read this waiver of claims, assumption of risk, andacceptance of financial responsibility agreement, and fullyunderstand its contents.
Alllines must be completed: